Worship Services

Worship at Hope Lutheran Church follows a basic Lutheran pattern of Gathering, Word, Meal, and Sending.  Eucharist, also called Holy Communion, or the Lord’s Supper is celebrated each Sunday.

A Children’s Message is presented each Sunday as part of the service and children are invited to gather at the front of the church.

Children welcome to stay through the entire service.

Encounter Hope wherever you are.

Join our weekly Live Stream on YouTube @OurHope.Lutheran each Sunday, and catch up on previous worship services under Live.

Worship Service

Sundays | 9:00 AM

In-Person and Online

Sunday School

Sundays | After Worship

Children’s Message

Sundays | During Worship

Seasonal Services

As Scheduled

Hoping for more?

Click to view playlist of archived services on our YouTube channel @OurHope.Lutheran

This is Christ’s Church

…you have a place here.