Bible Studies

Faith formation is a crucial part of Hope’s ministries. In his Small Catechism, the namesake of our tradition, Martin Luther, charged the church to “gladly hear and learn” the Word of God. We study the Bible not just to stockpile information, but to become more open to God’s redeeming work for the sake of our lives and our witness. We study so that we might be conformed to the image of God in Christ Jesus. Our Bible Studies are open to everyone, and you can join at any time.

Revisit past Bible Study series on our YouTube playlist

Recordings of our Bible studies series on Mark, Revelation, Evangelism, Resurrection Faith and more are available for you to study at your own pace.

  • Gather Bible Study

    Meets Monthly, 3rd Thursday | 12:30 PM

    Hosted by Diane Lund

    Hope Lutheran Church
    8005 San Gabriel Rd. Atascadero

    This topical study follows material produced by Gather, the magazine of women of the ELCA. It focuses on biblical themes like “faithfulness” and “spiritual gifts” and weaves theological reflections together with personal stories. The Gather study typically meets at the church, though the location is subject to change.

    Please contact the church office prior to attending this Bible study for the first time.

  • Read the Bible

    Meetings Vary | See Calendar

    Hosted by Rev. Dr. Aaron Smith

    Hope Lutheran Church
    8005 San Gabriel Rd. Atascadero


    Atascadero Bistro
    7425 El Camino Real Atascadero

    Through 2025-2026 we are reading the entire Bible in order from Genesis to Revelation. There’s no better way to understand the life and ministry of Jesus than to see him in the light of the Jewish Law and Prophets. Participants can join the reading group as they are able.